Fu Yi Shan Pepper Crackers in Stock – 福椒蘇打餅禮盒


Delivery time: DHL運送時間: 到帳後德國境内2-4個工作日, 德國境外5-10個工作日.




你可曾想過,煮菜時常使用、餐桌上常見的「胡椒」,灑在蘇打餅上時,會碰出什麼樣的火花? 當然是 好吃得令人驚艷,福義軒的 福椒蘇打餅,可以說是許多人心目中的最愛,令人食慾大開的蘇打餅乾天王,有著極其耐人尋味的獨特美味。特選胡椒搭配數種辛香料,研磨成粉,輕灑於金黃薄脆的蘇打餅體上,鹹香中帶著胡椒特有的舒服微辣感,挑逗您的味蕾,手提禮盒設計搭配隨身小包裝,方便食用又可隨身攜帶,送禮自用兩相宜。


The king of the crackers!!
Special pepper, absolutely fresh and delicious.

Package : 530g (20 sachets/gift box)
Shelf life : 45 days
Type of diet :
Five forbidden strong-smelling vegetable elements

The “Top Seller Crackers ” are our signature products.
The thin, crisp and fragrant crackers will seduce you.
Our secret is the long fermentation period that slowly infuses the natural flavors of the ingredients.
After baking, the heat will enhance the wheat aroma.
One by one, you will gobble up these delicious crackers!
The pepper cracker that achieves king-level star merchandise.
The pepper is carefully selected with several spices, ground into powder, then lightly sprinkled on golden crispy soda crackers.
Full of peppery comfort with a hint of salty aroma.
Absolute freshness will tease your taste buds.
So delicious, you can’t stop tasting them!


重量 0,75 公斤
尺寸 26 × 22,5 × 10 公分