Fu Yi Shan Spicy Numbing Crackers in Stock – 福義軒嬌麻蘇打餅禮盒


Delivery time: DHL運送時間: 到帳後德國境内2-4個工作日, 德國境外5-10個工作日.




麻辣火鍋中特有的花椒粒的香麻氣味,加上經典胡椒及嚴選多種辛香料與酥脆的蘇打餅結合,獨特的香濃、麻辣口感 ,一開袋,即可聞到撲鼻而來的麻辣辛香,讓人一口接一口,愈吃愈涮嘴,復古禮盒搭配隨身小包裝,方便食用又可隨身攜帶,送禮自用兩相宜。


※本產品線亦生產含花生、蛋、芝麻、大豆製品,可能導致過敏症狀。The typical flavor of Sichuan peppers!
Initial spicy taste, followed by a numbing pepper aftertaste.  

Package : 510g (20 sachets/gift box)
Shelf life : 4 months
Type of diet :
Five forbidden strong-smelling vegetable elements

The “Top Seller Crackers ” are our signature products.
The thin, crisp and fragrant crackers will seduce you.
Our secret is the long fermentation period that slowly infuses the natural flavors of the ingredients.
After baking, the heat will enhance the wheat aroma.
One by one, you will gobble up these delicious crackers!
The typical flavor of Sichuan peppers.
The cracker is hot yet tender.
As soon as you open the box, your nostrils are overwhelmed by a hot and spicy fragrance.
This is the perfect snack for those who love hot food.
Spicy at first bite and with a unique tongue-numbing after-taste!


重量 0,75 公斤
尺寸 26 × 22,5 × 10 公分